This Old House

I, like many other people during the pandemic, have spent a lot of time in my house lately…and I, like many other people, have found ways to improve it. Renovate, decorate, whatever terminology you choose. I know I’m not the only one because driving around my neighborhood you will find house painters, concrete mixers, poolContinue reading “This Old House”

Stay at Home (Mom)

It’s been five months since I left my classroom to be at home full time with my kids. In many ways it’s exactly how I expected – I know all the details about my kids day-to-day lives. I know what they eat and how much TV they’re watching. I know their favorite games and currentContinue reading “Stay at Home (Mom)”

Mr. Mig

On Tuesday Mat went back to school for hybrid teaching. Working from home has definitely been a struggle for some couples. Sharing the same workspace and seeing each other all day long can be exhausting. For us, it has been heavenly. We love being together with the kids all day. We consider it a fleetingContinue reading “Mr. Mig”