Just Filipino

It may seem trivial. After all, most teenagers go through phases, but this was much more than a phase like goth or emo. In my mind, I thought I was leaving up – that if I only surrounded myself with whiteness, bathed myself in it, I would be spared from the struggles of my ancestors. Turns out, I was wrong. Denying my culture didn’t protect me from racism, but it did isolated me from a community that would have validated my feelings, stood behind me, and made me stronger.

The Work They Can’t See

“Productive.” It’s the bane of my existence. It’s the new 4 letter word. The same goes for “goals.” I have to admit that I’ve felt completely lost for a while now. At least a few years and probably for much longer than that. Aside from wanting to be a singer or an actress when IContinue reading “The Work They Can’t See”

First Day of School

My oldest started kindergarten today. For the last few nights I have been waking up in the middle of the night worrying about him. I usually wake up around 3 am and a never-ending cycle of questions swirl through my head. What if he’s too nervous to talk? What if he doesn’t make any friends?Continue reading “First Day of School”

I Shaved My Head

“If someone had told me 5 years ago that you would have shaved your head, quit your job, and been called insubordinate, I never would have believed it” – Mat Last year, I met this woman who sported a buzzed hairstyle. Like me, she was short and brown, but her hair (or lack thereof) madeContinue reading “I Shaved My Head”

Speak Your Truth

Here’s to women who won’t back down.  …women who are teaching old dogs new tricks.  …women who are still unlearning themselves.  …women who will not let their bodies be an apology. Last Friday I had a really hard conversation with a family member. This much loved family member told me, in front of my childrenContinue reading “Speak Your Truth”

“Sexy Lady”

About a month ago a friend text me a picture of myself and a message that said, “sexy lady.”  The picture was of a 19 year old me laughing in a bikini. When I opened the text message and saw the picture I immediately closed my screen and put my phone away. I never respondedContinue reading ““Sexy Lady””